Affiliate marketing is a way for bloggers and webmasters to make money out of their site rather then to come up with their own products. The first step was creating a free website like then I stumbled across Small Business Trends I spent all day and night creating affiliate accounts from the list. After I created and opened all types of social media and affiliate accounts using the same email, username and password I found Amazon affiliates.

I questioned how did I look over a opportunity like this? Amazon affiliates platform was so easy to use and all I had to do was place html codes in the body of my post. Not wanting my prior work to go to waist I found a way to incorporate all of it on my website. Everything thing started to look promising except for one thing which was my stats from people visiting my sites. All of my hard work would be for nothing if I don’t have people to visit my site.

At the end of the week I finally found how to get my site out there to everyone. I was able to submit my website URL to many search engines not only to the United States but to Japan, United Kingdom, Canada etc. This was such a relief and not only that I was able to find a way to generate backlinks. LEADS Amazon associates are successful because of Amazon platform. However, it may take many of us to catch concept of how things really works. Creating a YouTube video on products that you have purchased from amazon helps improve your sales, writing reviews and blogs, utilizing all your social media sites and or simply passing out flyers generates leads but of course you know all of this stuff.


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