
Into publishing a book?

Have a website? looking to get the word out about your book ? Drive traffic to your site by contacting this fella the bookie , this guy. Search engines most top related words with the most traffic ever! Not interested? leave your name, book title and a link to your book in the comments below. My viewers need something to read and the upside is your book get discovered. Bookstore Calling all authors! If you are looking to get discovered freereads

What is Jaaxy?

Jaxxy website What is Jaaxy? This is the Stan lee of keyword search. It gives you detailed analytics about any word you place in the search bar. Are you looking for keywords to drive traffic to your sit??? well what are you waiting for give it a try!!!! Getting your business off the ground is very difficult. However, I remember making my first $50 and boy was I happy. You guys have to understand that I did not attend collage and I grew up in a very small town in Florida. As a matter of fact everyone in the town was dirt poor and a grocery store was miles and miles away. Making my first $50 online was like striking it rich and I thought if I could make money while I sleep I would become a millionaire over night but... this was not the case. I got big headed and started to change things on my site, tweak things I did not fully understand and that was my only $50 to be made for years. I have been trying to duplicate and back track on how was I able to accomplish just those ...

Fixing your credit

fix your credit on your own and monitor every month Fixing your credit is simple and does not take as much time as credit repair companies want you to think. Some say credit scores 730 and above can get you anything, I say 660 and above depending on what you want vs what you need. Either way it goes we are always looking for ways to increase our scores. If you are one of those people like me that rather fix your credit yourself other then spend money to have someone else do what you could have done in the first place then you are in the right place. I have listed a step by step recipe for excellent credit. know where you stand Find out your credit score. There are so many credit reporting agencies like that will provide you with a detailed report. Old collections Do not pay on old collections "period". for a debt to be deleted from your record it takes 7-10 years. By paying on old collections (5+ years ) you activate the debt another 7years. ...


Affiliate marketing is a way for bloggers and webmasters to make money out of their site rather then to come up with their own products. The first step was creating a free website like then I stumbled across Small Business Trends I spent all day and night creating affiliate accounts from the list. After I created and opened all types of social media and affiliate accounts using the same email, username and password I found Amazon affiliates. I questioned how did I look over a opportunity like this? Amazon affiliates platform was so easy to use and all I had to do was place html codes in the body of my post. Not wanting my prior work to go to waist I found a way to incorporate all of it on my website. Everything thing started to look promising except for one thing which was my stats from people visiting my sites. All of my hard work would be for nothing if I don’t have people to visit my site. At the end of the week I finally found how to get my site out there to eve...


I am a mother of four children and has been employed since I was 16 years old. Just a few years back I became certified in medical coding and billing, however, could not find a job in that field in my area. So stuck with my current job making a little over minimum wage I decided to do some research. After searching the internet for quite some time, looking for a way to earn additional income. I ran across Panda Research along with a few other paid surveys. out of them all Panda Research looked promising so I took the steps as followed: Created a account with panda research Clicked on a work from home survey Watched the work from home video open word to document everything I am doing- just in case it will be helpful for the next parent or successful Entered my email address Exit out of the work from home survey because after the evaluation it asks for money Tried a lower paid survey and discovered that it does not ask for money The lower survey was OK and now a have a dolla...